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The non-Lefschetz locus for conics - In preparation

The non-Lefschetz locus for vector bundle of rank 2 on ℙ² - Journal of Algebra

A finite length graded R-module M has the Weak Lefschetz Property if there is a linear element l in R such that the multiplication map xl  from Mi to Mi+1 has maximal rank. The set of linear forms with this property forms a Zariski-open set and its complement is called the non-Lefschetz locus.

In this paper, I focus on the study of the non-Lefschetz locus for the first cohomology module of a locally free sheaf E of rank 2 over ℙ². The main result is that this non-Lefschetz locus has the expected codimension under the assumption that  E  is general.

Some notes and corrections of the paper “The Non-Lefschetz locus” – Journal of Algebra

Invited talks



AMS meeting in Omaha, Special Session on "Varieties with Unexpected Hypersurfaces, Geproci Sets and their Interactions"

The non-Lefschetz locus for lines and for conics


University of Illinois Chicago, Algebraic Geometry Seminar

The non-Lefschetz locus, jumping lines and conics


Workshop on Lefschetz Properties in Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Combinatorics at Fields Institute, Toronto

The non-Lefschetz locus for lines and for conics


URiCA, Upcoming Researchers in Commutative Algebra at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The non-Lefschetz locus of the first cohomology module of a locally free sheaf E of rank 2 over ℙ²


Special session "The combinatorics and geometry of Jordan type and Lefschetz properties" 

Joint Mathematics Meetings 2023, Boston

The non-Lefschetz locus for vector bundle of rank 2 on ℙ²


University of Udine

Non-Lefschetz locus per fibrati vettoriali di rango 2 su ℙ²

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